I'm New


The Vine Community is a church in Deer Park, WA made up of people who are seeking to follow Jesus together.  We desire to be a place where you can be known, grow in your faith, use your gifts to serve others, and join in Jesus' mission.  We would love for you to join us!

Gathering Time & Place

Sunday Mornings

8:30 am and 10:30 am*
*includes children's ministry and Live Stream

What To Expect

Our Sunday gatherings are casual in dress.  If you'd like to dress up, feel free, but most people will be in jeans.  We start with an opening prayer, then the worship team leads us in 3-4 songs.  After that a sermon is preached out of the Bible lasting usually around 45 minutes.  We typically work our way through entire books of the Bible over the course of the year.  Everything we do is designed to facilitate each person hearing God's truth, responding, and growing.  The total service time is usually around 90 minutes.


 The Vine Kid's Ministry is available for children aged nursery to 6th grade.  Children are checked in by their parents shortly before the 10:30 AM service starts.  The check-in desk is located in the foyer off the front entry.  Each child is given a unique code that will be used for pick up after the Sunday gathering.  In addition, all adult teachers have passed background checks that cover all 50 states in the USA.  The kid's service begins with worship in the main auditorium with their parents, then they are dismissed to their various classes for age appropriate activity and application.  During their classes they learn about God's plan, do crafts, and usually eat a snack.  If you have any allergy concerns, please inform the check-in person.

Contact Us

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